Student Life
Sancti Spiritus

Woot it Platform
This software helps the interaction between the entire educational community of SESS in general, creating collaborative digital spaces where previously they did not exist.
Transportation services are offered to various locations, including:
Puntarenas Centro, Chacarita, El Roble, Barranca, Sardinal, San Miguel, Miramar, Esparza y Alrededores, Jesús María, Labrador, San Mateo y Orotina.

There is a cafeteria that offers a variety of breakfasts, lunches and snacks at affordable prices for the student community.
On the 20th anniversary of SESS the “Hernán Elizondo Arce” scholarship was created.
The scholarship consists of a 100% discount in monthly tuiton, admission costs and text books during the years the student attends the institution.